3 Types of Lighting to consider in your home

Lighting is such an important part in interiors. Lighting is important for completing tasks, setting the mood, and it helps elevate a space. It doesn’t just have to be in a room to illuminate the space, but it can be its own beautiful piece of art. There are 3 types of lighting you see in interiors. Ambient, task and accent lighting. I’m here to break each one down to you!

Ambient lighting is used to light up a room entirely. It is usually a brighter white light that illuminates a whole spare in order for you to see perfectly clear without straining your eyes. Some examples of ambient lighting are ceiling fixtures such as chandeliers, track lighting, recessed lighting, and some wall sconces. These lighting options tend to give off enough light to be considered the main source of light available in a space.

via Studio Mcgee

Task lighting is used for a specific use. Whether that be for reading, cooking or doing your makeup, task lighting is very practical. Task lighting is not harsh but it does let off enough light for you to see when doing specific things. Task lighting can be undercabinet lighting, desk lamps, or island pendants.

Accent lighting is the last category of lighting. Ambient lighting is used to highlight a specific point of interest or to achieve a desired effect/mood in a room. A candle, fireplace, pendent, and lamps are all examples of ambient lighting that can be used to create a certain mood. Spotlights, and cabinet lighting are examples that would be used to highlight a specific point in a home.

If you have a renovation project coming up, be sure to keep these different types of lighting in mind. If you need assistance in choosing lighting, or anything else in a future project, email me for some help!



Hi! I'm Sarah

By combining style + function, I can help you create a home for your family that is both lovely and livable.