Halloween Home Tour 2013
Halloween is just a week away, so I thought would give you a quick peek around my house this year! I didn't really make or buy much for inside the house this year, but I did get a few outdoor decorations to placate my kids since they were so ADAMANT about having spooky decorations for the trick or treaters! I'm the first to admit, I've never been a big holiday decorator, (except for Christmas....thats in a category all by itself.) so for all you that know me, putting up outside Halloween decorations was a BIG step for me! But I have to admit, its kinda fun.
The boys helped me make a 'cemetery' by our front entrance with some generic foam graves and some spooky ghost skeletons hanging from the trees. I bought the skulls from the dollar store and attached them to wire hangers that I bent into shape before draping them with gauze from the fabric store. I strung orange and purple lights up in the tress and they make the ghosts glow at night. The boys LOVE that and make me drive by it every night on the way home from hockey practice just so they can see it all lit up down the street.
I did manage to make a wreath for my front door too that I posted about here, but that ends my list of projects this halloween! Let's take a look inside.... I think I have a thing for bats this year. See for yourself.
Some paper bats silhouettes from the dollar store taped to the wall greet everyone as they enter the house. I added a thrift store frame spray painted gold with a printable I used here, as well as some branches. I love using branches at Halloween! They are free and set the mood perfectly.
The fireplace mantle is the one spot in my home that I dress up the most. I added *surprise!* more bats. These ones are 3 Dimensional from Martha Stewart Crafts
. The mirror was a thrift store find for $8 and I'm seriously thinking of pairing it brass and hanging it in my newly painted powder room. Everything else was recycled from previous years. You can read about my circle garland here and my metallic pumpkins here. Again, I used some branches and pulled in some old books that I ripped the bindings off, as well as some other elements from around the house. Sometimes all you have to do is shop your house for some old items and fill in the spaces with a few spooky accessories!
And my creepy door knocker which is no longer a door knocker makes the perfect 3 dimensional art.
Do you decorate for halloween? Is it sad (and a little crazy) that I'm wishing Halloween could hurry up and be over so I can pull out the Christmas Decorations?!
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